ForeverLawn has installed over 17,000,000 square feet of artificial grass, including thousands of projects featuring K9Grass—the best artificial turf for dogs. But don’t just take our word for it. Check out these artificial grass reviews from satisfied clients or contact anyone on our reference list.

“My clients appreciate the cleanliness that our facility provides.”
- Diane Cuniff
The Bone Adventure

“My team and I love that K9Grass is so easy to maintain. Our play areas are always clean.”
- Michelle Johnson
Escape Canine Retreat and Spa
“Our clients love that their animals always go home clean, rain or shine.”
- Dr. Jack Brown
Riverbark Hospital and Retreat
“The K9Grass surface is clean, very receptive to dogs, vastly improves aesthetics, and reduces the overall cost of maintenance. I tell people that you can’t afford not to have K9Grass and challenge them to break down the numbers.”
- Walt Morris
Morris Animal Inn
“Just a quick note to thank you again for your guidance on the install of your product in our Savannah facility. Your knowledge, expertise and input saved us from making some very costly and long-term mistakes! The product performs above expectations and we are very pleased with its quality. You have a foreverclient in BARKS!”
- Rue Reynolds
BARKS Dog Daycare

“I value the exceptional support and service provided by ForeverLawn.”
- Amy Lewett
Affectionate Pet Care

“K9Grass has been our saving grace through recent monsoons. Plus, our employees working in the boarding resort are thrilled with the easy cleanup.”
- Dr. Alfred Stevens, D.V.M.
Sherwood South Animal Hospital
“There is no artificial turf product able to compete or compare with K9Grass. It is not easy for me to endorse a product, but K9Grass is by far the best artificial turf for dogs on the market for use in an indoor application.” REFERENCE LETTER
- Andrew Rosenthal
LA DogWorks
“We have had our K9Grass for over five years now and it still looks great!”
- Kimberly Vaughn
Ruff Housing Dog Daycare and Lodging
There’s a reason our clients trust us to provide them with the best artificial turf for dogs. K9Grass is designed specifically for dogs, and our local dealer networks works specifically to find you the top solution to meet your needs.