Gibson’s front leg amputated after osteosarcoma disagnosis
In response to the intense media interest in the recent cancer diagnosis and subsequent amputation surgery experienced by Gibson, the World’s Tallest Dog, a media conference will be held on Friday, June 26, 2009, 11:00 am, at Pet Extreme, 2091 Bronze Star Drive, Woodland, CA, 530-669-7382. Gibson’s right front leg and shoulder were amputated six weeks ago as an aggressive treatment for osteosarcoma, in order to save his life.
The media will have an opportunity to interview and photograph Gibson and his owner, Sandy Hall. Gibson’s future plans will be presented at the event.
Gibson’s prognosis is excellent, and his medical expenses are mounting daily. He has recently undergone his first of four chemotheraphy treatments. These treatments, as well as his daily medical needs, are quite expensive.
To help support Gibson’s fight against osteosarcoma, artist Gloria Beth Edwards will be unveiling her painting of Gibson at the event. 250 limited edition prints will be available for a donation of any amount to the Gibson fund. Donations can also be made by visiting K9Grass.com, which was created by Gibson’s sponsor, K9Grass, the artificial grass designed specifically for dogs.
This has been a defining moment in both Gibson and Sandy Hall’s lives, and they will be speaking out and raising awareness for canine cancer, which affects one in four dogs.
Media Conference:
Gibson’s “Three Paws for the Cause”
Friday, June 26, 2009 at 11:00 am
Pet Extreme, 2091 Bronze Star Drive, Woodland, CA, (530) 669-7382